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Redo att presentera
Min första semla (jättegoda)
Gott Nytt År! Happy New Year! My 2024 concluded with my friends and I watching fireworks and cheering for a new year by the harbor in lovely Simirishamn. New year’s is something that logically occurs everywhere in the world but how every culture celebrates it is different and fun to learn, this is how I started my 2025!
Originally my friends and I were planning on dipping into the ocean on the morning of the 1st of January as many Swedes do, but the weather had other plans (the thought was there though). Although heavy rain is the reason why we couldn’t do what we planned, my farmor (grandma on my dad’s side) always says that rain brings blessings, so I guess we started 2025 the right way despite our plans changing.
It was hilarious to explain Mexican traditions for new years to my Swedish friends and family (disclaimer: not everyone does this, nor all of this, but it is a thing). We eat 12 uvas (grapes) at midnight, one for each chime of the clock, and as you eat each grape, you’re supposed to wish for something for each month for the upcoming year. You must be careful with the color of your underwear! Yes, it matters, depending on the color you’re wearing you’re manifesting something for the upcoming year (most popular colors are yellow for money and red for love). Don’t be surprised if you see people walking or running around the block with a suitcase, as that is meant to attract the opportunities to travel for the new year (the more laps, the more opportunities). These I’d say are the most well-known, but there are other funny traditions that people do.
A must do in Sweden over the winter is sauna. It was an unforgettable experience that I will not get tired of talking about, but every experience is unique so if you ever get the chance to give it a shot in the Swedish way, you shouldn’t skip it.
Christmas decorations got packed up, and now days feel slightly longer due to having a bit more sunlight every day. Now you hear people talk about their plans for the spring and sometimes even for the summer. It sure feels like a new chapter on my exchange year. Acknowledging said changes is inspiring to act upon them and take the opportunities that come with it, so let’s make out of this year a good one!
Once again, I gave a presentation to a Rotary club. This time I was welcomed by the kind club of Karlshamn along their exchange student and my good friend, Salomé, from France. We talked about what it means to be a youth ambassador, and the impact cultural exchange has on numerous communities. The presentation was carried out successfully. Meeting new people from a different club opened the opportunity to hear from some unique individuals, some of which are former exchange students (who somehow managed to get me into a competition with them to see if I could get more pins than them through the remaining time of my exchange—yeah!).
January was a whole year in a month that thankfully I can say it’s now in the past. Really good memories that I got from it, but it’s time to say thank you and goodbye. I also want to thank the album Välkommen till förorten by The Latin Kings to be my side throughout this month, because nothing can go wrong with the right music. Hoppas du lyssnar och njuter , hope you listen and enjoy!
As always, stay cool, stay safe, and until you hear from me again, take care! Hejdå!